Once, a companion of the 6th Imam was out in the bazaar. He started talking nonsense to a baker and in the confusion, managed to steal 2 loaves of bread from him. He walked a little further and started talking nonsense to a fruit seller and again managed to steal 2 pomegranates from him.
The companion then found a poor family and gave them the fruit and bread to eat.
He was feeling quite good about himself and when he next met the 6th Imam, he informed him of what he had done.
The Imam asked him why he had used stolen goods in order to do a good deed. The companion replied that he had heard the Imam once say that each good deed is worth 10 in the eyes of God and each bad deed is worth 1. So by giving 4 things to a poor family is equal to 40 good deeds and stealing for things is minus 4 - so he ends up with a net of 36 good deeds.
Imam retorted: ' Don't obey Allah with disobedience, but rather obey Him by staying away from Haraam'.
i.e. The ends don't justify the means.