I started university 5 months ago.... I finally got my ID card today!! And as with everything in Iran, it was not a straight forward process.
I was directed to the office where I had my initial entrance interview (3rd floor building on one side of the campus). I got there, to be told that my card is waiting for me on the 3rd floor of the building adjacent to where my classes take place! So I trek back across campus and picked up my card, only to be told that my Parsiyan card is waiting for me in the office where I was originally told to go! Well, hopefully I lost a couple of pounds treking across the campus!
The Parsiyan card is given to all students and has money put on it every couple of months... the Iranian New Year (Nowrooz) is coming up, so there's a $50 bonus deposited into the accounts :-)
Getting the Parsiyan card - yet another headache. We had to look for our names on the list. You'd think that it would be organised alphabetically or by country, but no, just 500 random names... and about 15 people crowded around trying to find their names too! After finding our names, we had to write down the number next to it. The women in the office take this number and give you a form. We filled out our forms and handed them back to yet another woman, who looked for our cards . A fourth woman then checked the forms and gave us our cards.
How long did this all take?
AN HOUR! It's frustrating sometimes that nothing in this country is straight forward. What was even more hilarious that the pin number was stapled to the envelope!
We never imagined that something so simple would take us so long...