So it's been forever since I last blogged. But thanks to the girl in the awesome chador
I've discovered the blogger app! So no more excuses. And plus with 3G coming to Qum (yup the rest of the world is 4G'ing and Qum is just getting to grips with 3G) there really is no excuse.
So I was in London all these months, growing a little bubba! We're both back in Qum now and looking forward to some new adventures.
Iranians love kids! I had put some little denim bootees on Qum Baby for our first Thursday night haram/dua Kumayl visit. No big deal right? Except the Iranians that were sitting near us acted as if they were the best thing since sliced bread. They even sneaked in some photos while I was praying 😬
I should have said something after I finished but that would have been admitting that I was not focused on my prayers.
The other thing is that you cannot go 5 steps in Qum with some fancy western bit of baby gear without someone asking 'chand giriftee?' (How much did you get it for) very annoying! Even our buggy/travel system has been attracting attention. We've been putting Baby in the car seat and attaching it to the buggy frame. Very normal in the UK. Not so normal here.
Watch this space for more Qum Girl & Baby adventures!