Sunday, August 3, 2008

MY first time hosting lots of people!

When we first moved into the new place, the Husband wanted to host the camp boys at our new house for coffee and dessert. I'm not sure how the tables turned, but I ended up hosting the girls for dinner and a discussion!

Spent the morning shopping and visiting the shrine of Qum (which I will write about soon) with the girls, then rushed home to clean the place up! Since we have been out with the kids a lot, the cleaning has been a bit neglected :-( Hope the in laws are not reading!

Luckily though, I convinced the powers above to order in pizza for us, so all I had to make was pasta salad. The girls had an opportunity to see the view from the roof (you can see the shrine on one side and the mountain of Prophet Khidr on the other side). We were lucky enough to have a short talk and Q&A session with Salma Khalfan.

The place were the pizza came from (Pizza Pizza - the only decent pizza place here) had a power cut, so the food was delayed. They also ran out of delivery boys, so one of the volunteers had to go and pick up the pizza in a taxi! Needless to say, the driver arrived to pick the girls up before they had finished eating, and since we had so many pizzas and girls with very small appetites, we gave him a box of pizza to keep him happy! It was fun being hostess for the evening (for the very first time ever!) Although the Husband has conveniently disappeared to do his 'errands' after seeing the washing up pile!

The laundry and packing are also in progress (am just taking a quick break to eat breakfast and update the blog!) We are taking the kids to the city of Mashad later today, to visit the shrine of the 8th Holy Imam. Am not sure we will have Internet access there, but will update the blog when I return. Please pray the kids have a safe trip.

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