Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Funny Stories

As I've mentioned before, sometimes we have serious jokes in our Farsi classes. But the weird thing is that NO ONE in the class laughes, apart from ZW, HD and me!

The other day, we had some sentences that were all jumbled that we had to re-organise to make a couple of stories. Both the stories were hilarious and I've typed them out so you can tell me if you think they are laugh worthy too...

The Lost Donkey

A simple man had lost his donkey. Even so, he was still thanking God. A man asked him: "Your donkey is lost, why are you thanking God?" The simple man replied: "The reason I am thanking God is because I was not sitting on the donkey. If I had been sitting on him, I too would have been lost for 4 days!

The Thief and the Bell

An expensive and beautiful doorbell was hanging on the door of one of the wealthy men of the town. A thief walked past, saw the bell and wanted to steal it. But he was scared that if the bell moved, it would make a sound and the owner of the house would hear. So, the thief decided to put some cotton in his ears, so that he would not be able to hear the sound of the bell. After doing this, the thief went towards the bell (to steal it), not realising that the ears of others are open and are able to hear the sound of the bell. As soon as he started to remove the bell from the wall, it started moving and ringing, so the owner of the house came out to see what was happening. The simple thief was astonished and said to the house owner: "I am surprised that you can hear the sound of the bell from so far, whereas I am so close and I can't hear it!"


Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

The first story is certainly worth a smile, and I definitely laughed about the second one.

Unknown said...

I actually just laughed out loud at the first one :) :) the 2nd one-hmm, smileworthy at least. (am still sniggering at the first one) x

Abd of Allah said...

*giggles* very funny, both were good! They're so 'duh' that they make u laugh!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! def funny ... the second one i was like : seriouly dude! :)