Sunday, November 22, 2009

Smelly People

I wish people would learn to wash. Its no good covering your sweaty, gross. 'I haven't showered in 3 days' body odour smell with nasty Iranian rose water perfume Mr Taxi Driver. It makes your passengers want to throw up in your equally dirty taxi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah, BO is big in Iran. I think it stems from the tradition of doing a BIG "hamam" bathing thing once a week. In rural areas, unfortunately its a lot worse.
And, if you do wash everyday people think there is something very strange with you, or if your married than you must have a very very very active relationship-ahem.

Its so bad that come girls, even their chadors when they put them down somewhere you not only smell their BO but the chador saturated with BO.

yah I wish bathing frequently was more common...