Monday, December 14, 2009

Khanum Hajj Khalili

Today's blog is dedicated to this special woman. Khanum Hajj Khalili is the head of the dormitories (khaabghah in Farsi) of the university where I go to school.

She's an amazing woman. She manages to look after her husband, 2 kids, house, manage the dormitories (800 girls when its at full capacity), do her MA and stay sane! She was in my English class last year and always did her homework, even with her full workload - something the other students couldn't manage. Ok, so I was a bit apprehensive about having her in the class at first, with her being a manager and all (and me not exactly being the model Qum Girl) but actually she was kinda cool. And she always knew the latest developments at the school!

Khanum Hajj Khalili always baked cakes for our class 'parties' i.e. the lessons where we used to eat junk food and play games to practise speaking English. (Yes, I got paid to play 20 questions and miming games last year!)

I will always remember the day when she pulled out the Eid card I had sent to her in 2004 - the year we spent 2 months in the dorms learning Farsi. She kept this card for 5 years! She made my day when she pulled out the card from her handbag - it was such a small gesture on my part, but meant so much to her that I had remembered her once my trip to Iran was over.

My other Khanum Hajj Khalili memory is the day when she asked me if I get tired studying in the mornings and then coming back to teach in the afternoons. I replied that I look to her for inspiration on that! She has accomplished more in her life that most people only dream of.

I dedicate my blog to this amazing woman. This amazing woman needs our prayers right now. She's in a semi-coma in ICU with advanced cancer. We pray that all those who've had the pleasure of knowing her to continue this relationship and those who have yet to embark on the journey of knowledge in Qum have the pleasure and honour of forging a relationship with this wonderful woman. God Willing.


Unknown said...

Salams! I've heard of this really hard-working and dedicated woman from some of my friends who study at the jamia. May Allah (swt) help her through these trying times and give her sabr-un jameel. We are praying for her inshAllah.
Keep up the good work with the blog! It's always very interesting.

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

Ya Allah! She sounds like a wonderful lady! Insha Allah she will recover and return to business as usual!
Salams to you and her.