So I was over the moon when they decided to hold a cooking competition- finally something I could take part in! I made a fake oreo cheesecake, but couldn't find the right kind of cheese, so it wasn't my best effort. On the day of the competition, they laid out all the food on tables and everyone helped themselves... it was a mad rush (so sadly no pics!).Results came out 3 weeks later at the mother's day celebrations! All the teachers who took part got a prize, as well as 6 students (all of them were Syrian!). There was some consolation in that I had helped one of the winners assemble her dessert!
There was also an arts and crafts competition. I managed to get some pics:
Even though I never comment, this is one of the few blogs I always check up on ever since I stumbled across it!
update? updates about Islam?
we have these competitions too in qom. its fun. we had a cooking competition and a cricket competition this nowrooz. but ur rite, the studies takes up the most amount of time to be interested in competitions!
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