Monday, June 22, 2009


I know my blog entries have been a bit erratic over the last 2-3 months. Please bear with me. I have one exam left, after which I will be more regular in posting.

Meanwhile, please send Islamic History (Especially life of the Holy Prophet) vibes this way!


Ali Imran said...


This is a great blog and provides good insight especially for females who wish to study in Qum as to how the general life style is. However, I was wondering can you please tell us how the exams are? Are they designed in a way to make you fail and so only the elite pass or are they reasonable? How much amount does one have to spend studying for these exams?

Thank you for your time, and good luck on your last exam.


farzana_299 said...

Thank you for reading my blog!

I've only completed the Farsi course and the basic Islamic studies course, so I can only comment on that.

It goes without saying that the time you put into your studies is equal to the result you get at the end. The hard thing for me is studying in another langauge. I know the stuff really well, but usually scrape through exams because of my poor farsi vocab.

Exams are not designed to make you fail (where did you hear that from?). Most teachers help out by giving sample exam questions at the end of each lesson, and pointing out important topics to study right before the exam.

To give you an idea of how much studying I put in: In Farsi, I would spend a minimum of 3 hours on each dars, but another hour on the conversation homework. In Tamhiddiyah, I would spend about 2 hours for each class hour deciphering the book and my class notes!

Hope that helps.

with duas

Qum Girl