Sunday, October 25, 2009

School Update

I've been back at school for 2 weeks now. That's excluding the classes I've bunked!

This term, I'm studying Ahkam (Islamic Jurisprudence), Aqaid (Beliefs) and Tarbiyat e Badani (Gym class). It's a light work load, which is great as I'm hoping to make the most out of the swimming pool this term.

I went to the big library today in one of my free periods. The place was heaving and I had to sit on the floor and try and study! They've also changed the rules a bit. You have to leave your bag outside the library (so stop people sneaking out books perhaps?). There are some lockers, but unluckily they were all taken. My brand new designer (non-fake) school bag had to be left outside on the floor :-(

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