Monday, July 13, 2009

Is the heat getting to people??

I went to the Monday market today, on the outskirts of Qum. Its a great place for time-pass and buying things at a cheaper rate than the bazaars.

They also sell fruits and vegetables, so I thought I'd stock up. I found a stall with the most loveliest tomatoes and seeing the woman in front of me selecting her own, started picking some out for myself.

The stall holder started shouting at me for touching the tomatoes!! While I pointed out that the woman next to me was choosing her own and that usually stall holders give you the worse fruits (which they do!), he grabbed the 4 tomatoes out of my hand and started filling the rest of the bag himself. When I pointed out that he was giving me the rubbish ones, he started bouncing them on the table to show me they were ok!! Is that some kind of tomatoe test??!! Do the good ones bounce back and the rubbish ones go splat, or something?? If they weren't the nicest tomatoes, I would have told him where to stick them.

Weirdo or what??

As I walked through the rest of the bazaar, I noticed EVERYONE picking their own fruits and vegies. Oh well, only one month till I'm back home and shopping in Tesco again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well it depends...some shops are strictly shop-keepers hands only, this is because Iranians love to really touch and taste and see the in some places you can't pick it yourself. But you can def. inspect it before you purchase it and take out any bad pieces.

Other places you need to just be a bit rude and get in there and get your own produce.

Its cuz ur a "farangi"...

btw do u wear chador or just manteau and maghneh?