Monday, November 16, 2009

Afternoon Siestas

Afternoon naps are a national institution here. One would never dream of calling an Iranian between 1 and 5pm. Most shops are closed between these times too, which kinda makes it hard if one runs out of ingrediants while cooking lunch. (yes, for those of you that know me you'll be glad to know that I'm finally getting the hang of the cooking thing!!)

I haven't quite got the hang of the afternoon nap. It sounds great in theory. 40 winks after lunch to help you get through the rest of the day. The trick is to time it. The nap should be exactly an hour. Any more than that, just makes you feel more tired.

I love my sleep. I could sleep all day - just give me a duvet and a dark room. But this afternoon nap thing is beyond me. I ALWAYS over sleep and then it takes me the rest of the evening to 're-wake-up'.

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