Monday, November 16, 2009

Gym Class

I've now had a couple of gym classes. They are just too, too funny. I wanted to share a couple of observations with you. Although to get the full benefit of the experience, you need to be in the class, but I'll try my bestest. But first maybe a warning. If you're in love with Jamia, Iran or lack a sense of humour, you might want to navigate away from this post!

1. No matter how much the teacher insists that there are no men in the gym, some of the girls refuse to take their scarves off during gym class.

2. Same about gym clothes. Girls trying to exercise in shalwar kameezes, jeans, 'school shoes' and a variety of other non-practical clothes is indeed a sight to be seen.

3. You know those funny soldier marches that you see on the news in 3rd world countries where they walk and kick their legs up to hip-height - they learn them in gym class. And yes, we did them last week and no, I can't bring my legs upto hip-height.

4. Sport bras don't exist in this country. Or in any of the countries where the students in my class come from. I'll leave the mental picture up to you. Future potential business idea?! Import sports bras from Primark and sell them here.

5. People who have bad backs, knees etc. are not exempt from class. The teacher takes these people to one side and makes them do stretches! I've learnt that its better to do as much as you can in class rather than make up some ailment. The only thing that gets you out of class is getting pregnant.

6. Pace yourselves people! My classmates have yet to learn that if they run fast, or are really energetic in the first hour of class, there is no energy left for the 2nd hour.

7. They have some really strange exercises in this country. For example, lieing on the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest and rocking on your back is supposed to help strengthen your back?! Makes mine hurt more)

8. We have this sequence of star jumps and arm/leg movements that we are going to be tested on?! We're supposed to practise them at home. The second part of our exam is an obstacle course. My PE grades sucked at school. Hope these ones don't bring my grades down too :-(

9. I thought I was unco-ordinated. You should see some of the other students in the class. Picture Mr Bean (or Mr Blooby) with a long pole trying to kick his foot up in the air upto hip-height and walk 3 steps forward and back in synch with the teacher. That's what last week's class was like!

10. Our teacher is stick thin. My classmates ask her for dietry advice! Maybe there is something in her exercises!

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