Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Home Delivery!

Most of my time is divided between cleaning the new place and shopping for the new place! The frustrating thing is that no matter how hard I scrub, the kitchen still looks like the "before" of the Flash advert :-( I wonder if Kim and Aggie do house calls in Iran?

Anyways, we're now the proud owners of a fridge/freezer, microwave/grill and washing machine! We went to an area called Keyvaanfair (the Tottenham Court Road of Qum!), where all the appliance stores are located, chose our stuff and got a whole load of recipe books in Farsi. I can't cook using English recipe books, so I'm not sure what good Farsi ones will be! While the process of buying a vacuum cleaner and food processor was long winded, buying major appliances was surprisingly the opposite. The appliances were delivered the same night (within 2 hours). We live on the second floor, and the guy carried the washing machine up 2 flights of stairs on his back. Yes, you read that correctly. On his back. I found it amazing that in a country where admin things take so long, appliances can be delivered the same day

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